Infertility is a condition that affects various aspects of a couple’s life, and one of the areas often impacted is sexuality. Sometimes it is burdened with guilt for not achieving the desired outcome, and other times it is accompanied by the fear of losing it entirely. It’s not uncommon for sexuality to become a taboo subject, even within the relationship.
Sexual Intercourse
Sexual intercourse is one of many ways a couple connects, and it often reflects elements of their overall interaction. It is influenced both by the phases the couple is going through and by the psychological state of each partner. At the same time, sex is also an expression of fertility. It symbolizes the result of union, love, and affection. However, when this path does not lead to the desired destination, emotional reactions can arise:
Gradually, sexual activity may become solely associated with having a child, losing all other significance.
The couple, or one of the partners, may begin to avoid intercourse, which becomes laden with guilt.
The feeling that “sex just happens” or conversely that “it starts not to happen” can make people feel like they are losing control. This can lead to isolation within the couple, who feel powerless in the face of the unspoken issue that lingers in the air. When sexual dysfunctions are present, it becomes difficult to distinguish between cause and effect.
Choosing IVF
In vitro fertilization (IVF) often comes as a solution, but it replaces the traditional path of sexual intercourse. This can be both a relief and a source of sadness. In this phase, it’s important that neither sex, the relationship, nor either partner becomes a scapegoat.
Sexuality does not need to be sacrificed. It is a part of ourselves and our relationship that we can nurture separately. We can maintain all the ways that bring us closer: touch, kissing, hugging, communication, and the desire to be together – in every sense.