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Conventional IVF is a widely recognized and effective method of assisted reproduction that since 1978, has helped countless people achieve their dream of parenthood. This procedure is particularly suitable for couples who have normal sperm parameters and are facing infertility due to factors such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis or unexplained infertility.


In a conventional IVF cycle, a woman undergoes ovarian stimulation to produce multiple eggs. These eggs are then retrieved through a minor surgical procedure. Meanwhile, sperm is collected from the male and is being processed in the andrology lab. Then the eggs and sperm are put together in an overnight incubation, and fertilization is monitored. This approach is the classical method of IVF and it’s a non-invasive technique.

why embryolab

Our team consists of top-notch doctors, embryologists and scientists from many disciplines with great specialization and experience in IVF. Our treatment protocols are based on the latest evidence-based research, so you can be confident that you are receiving the best possible care.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)


PGT is a specialized technique that offers people with a known genetic risk the opportunity to select embryos that are not affected by a specific genetic condition.


PGT involves removing a few cells from an embryo created through IVF and analyzing them for specific genetic or chromosome abnormalities. Only embryos that are free of these abnormalities are transferred to the uterus, significantly increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy without passing on the genetic disorder.

why embryolab

Our clinic was among the first to offer PGΤ in its treatment curriculum, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to providing couples with the best possible care for their reproductive needs. We have a team of experienced IVF specialists, clinical embryologists and geneticists who are highly skilled in performing PGΤ and ensuring that our patients receive personalized and compassionate care throughout the process.

Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI)


IMSI is the improved ICSI method that uses a high-powered microscope to select the most morphologically normal sperm for injection. It is preferred in cases of severe male factor infertility, where the sperm counts are very low or a majority of sperm has abnormal morphology. It may also be considered for couples who have experienced recurrent IVF failures or have unexplained infertility.


Adhering to the standard ICSI protocol, highly experienced doctors meticulously stimulate egg growth, swiftly retrieve mature oocytes, and then embryologists employ next-generation microscopes to magnify sperm, enabling them to discern and select the most optimal ones for fertilization.

why embryolab

Under the expert guidance of highly experienced gynecologists-IVF specialists and advanced skilled clinical embryologists, every step of the IVF journey is precisely executed. Combining cutting-edge facilities and equipment, IMSI significantly enhances the chances of a successful pregnancy and a healthy child, potentially reducing the risk of miscarriage.

Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)


ICSI is an advanced IVF technique. A precise and effective fertility treatment for people who are facing challenges in male fertility, egg quality, low number of oocytes or oocyte-spermatozoon contact.


ICSI, a precision-driven fertility treatment, involves orchestrating the growth of eggs in the ovaries, carefully selecting and collecting them, and then meticulously injecting a single, morphologically evaluated spermatozoon into the cytoplasm of each egg and transferring them back into the uterus.

why embryolab

At our clinic, we are dedicated to providing individuals facing infertility with exceptional care, guided by our expertise, supported by our cutting-edge facilities, and tailored to their unique needs, maximizing their chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies (PGT-A)


Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies (PGT-A) is an advanced screening technique used in IVF to detect chromosomal abnormalities in embryos. By selecting only healthy embryos with the correct number of chromosomes, PGT-A may improve the chances of a successful pregnancy and reduces the risk of miscarriage. PGT-A is particularly beneficial for patients with a history of pregnancy loss, advanced maternal age, or previous IVF failures.


For PGT-A few cells are carefully biopsied from an embryo at the blastocyst stage (day 5 or 6). These cells are then analyzed for chromosomal abnormalities. Only embryos with the correct number of chromosomes are selected for transfer to the uterus, improving the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

why embryolab

Embryolab Fertility Clinic, a pioneer in the field of PGT, has been offering PGT-A since 2007. A dedicated team of expert clinicians and lab specialists ensure that every step of the PGT-A process is carefully optimized, providing patients with the highest chances of a successful and healthy pregnancy.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic Diseases (PGT-M)


Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic Disorders (PGT-M) is a specialized technique used to identify genetic abnormalities in embryos that are at risk of inherited single-gene disorders. By screening embryos before implantation, PGT-M enables the selection of those free from specific genetic conditions, thereby reducing the risk of passing on hereditary diseases. This approach is particularly beneficial for patients with a known history of monogenic disorders, as it increases the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and a child.


For PGT-M few cells are carefully biopsied from an embryo at the blastocyst stage (day 5 or 6). These cells are then analyzed for chromosomal abnormalities. Only embryos with the correct number of chromosomes are selected for transfer to the uterus, improving the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

why embryolab

Embryolab Fertility Clinic, a leader in the field of Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), has been providing Monogenic Disorders (PGT-M) since 2007. Our dedicated team of expert clinicians and laboratory specialists meticulously optimizes every step of the PGT-M process, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care and the highest chances of a successful, healthy pregnancy.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Structural Rearrangements (PGT-SR)


Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Structural Rearrangements (PGT-SR) is a sophisticated screening method designed to detect numerical or structural chromosome abnormalities in embryos. By selecting only those embryos with a healthy set of chromosomes, PGT-SR enhances the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and reduces the risk of miscarriage. PGT-SR, is particularly advantageous for patients with abnormal karyotypes, as it assists them in achieving a healthy pregnancy while minimizing the chances of miscarriage.


For PGT-SR few cells are carefully biopsied from an embryo at the blastocyst stage (day 5 or 6). These cells are then analyzed for chromosomal abnormalities. Only embryos with the correct number of chromosomes are selected for transfer to the uterus, improving the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

why embryolab

Embryolab Fertility Clinic, a leader in the field of Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), has been providing PGT for Structural Rearrangements (PGT-SR) since 2007. Our dedicated team of expert clinicians and laboratory specialists meticulously optimizes every step of the PGT-SR process, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care and the highest chances of a successful, healthy pregnancy.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Histocompatibility (PGT- H)


Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Histocompatibility (PGT-HLA) is a specialized technique used to evaluate embryos for compatibility with an existing patient, typically when a sibling is in need of a tissue or organ transplant. This testing identifies specific genetic markers that ensure the selected embryo can provide the necessary donor match for the affected sibling. By selecting embryos that are histocompatible, PGT-HLA enhances the chances of a successful transplantation while also promoting a healthy pregnancy for the parents.


For PGT-HLA few cells are carefully biopsied from an embryo at the blastocyst stage (day 5 or 6). These cells are then analyzed for chromosomal abnormalities. Only embryos with the correct number of chromosomes are selected for transfer to the uterus, improving the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

why embryolab

Embryolab Fertility Clinic, a leader in the field of Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), has been providing PGT Histocompatibility (PGT-HLA) since 2017. Our dedicated team of expert clinicians and laboratory specialists meticulously optimizes every step of the PGT-HLA process, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care and the highest chances of a successful, healthy pregnancy.

Testicular Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)


FNA is a minimally invasive procedure to collect spermatozoa directly from the testicles in cases of proven obstructive azoospermia or in cases where the partner faces difficulties to provide sperm sample, on the day of the oocyte retrieval.


FNA procedure involves inserting a thin needle into the testicle to collect a small sample of fluid. The whole process usually takes about 10-15 minutes. This fluid is then given to our laboratory to be examined for spermatozoa that may be used for ICSI.

why embryolab

Our highly skilled laboratory team possesses a wealth of experience in male infertility procedures, consistently delivering remarkable success rates.

Egg Pooling/Batching


Egg pooling, also known as egg batching, allows multiple eggs to be collected over several IVF cycles, increasing the number of eggs available. This approach is particularly beneficial for patients with low ovarian reserves, those undergoing preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), or women seeking fertility preservation. Egg pooling improves the chances of a successful outcome.


Two or more IVF cycles are conducted, during which the eggs from each cycle are processed, vitrified, and stored. Egg pooling enables patients to accumulate a greater number of eggs, significantly enhancing their chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.

why embryolab

Embryolab runs a highly successful vitrification program, achieving a post-warming egg survival rate of over 92.8%. As one of the pioneering clinics to offer egg pooling, Embryolab utilizes this technique as a powerful tool to enhance patient prognosis by increasing the number of available eggs.



Embryo pooling, also known as embryo batching, allows multiple embryos to be collected over several IVF cycles, increasing the number of high-quality embryos available for transfer. This approach is particularly beneficial for patients with low ovarian reserves, those undergoing preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), or women seeking fertility preservation. Pooling improves the chances of success by optimizing the selection of the best embryos for future transfer.


Two or more IVF cycles are performed and the resulting embryos from each cycle are vitrified and stored without immediate transfer.

Embryo pooling allows patients to accumulate multiple embryos, improving their chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.

why embryolab

Embryolab runs a highly successful vitrification program, with a post-warming embryo survival rate of over 98%. As one of the pioneering clinics to offer embryo pooling, Embryolab uses this technique as a powerful tool to enhance patient prognosis by increasing the number of high-quality embryos available for transfer.

Time-Lapse Technology in IVF Labs


Time-lapse technology is a revolutionary advancement in the field of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) that involves continuous, non-invasive monitoring of embryo development. This innovative method captures images at regular intervals, allowing embryologists to observe the growth and division of embryos over time without disturbing their controlled environment.


In traditional IVF, embryos are periodically removed from incubators for assessment, which can be disruptive. Time-lapse technology eliminates this need by providing a continuous stream of images, enabling embryologists to analyze crucial developmental milestones such as cleavage patterns, embryo symmetry, and the timing of cell divisions. This wealth of information aids in the selection of the most viable embryos for transfer.

why embryolab

Our state-of-the-art laboratory utilizes this cutting-edge technology to monitor and assess embryo development in a minimally disruptive manner. By choosing Embryolab, you benefit from the precision and detailed insights offered by time-lapse imaging, contributing to improved embryo selection and higher success rates in assisted reproductive procedures.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for advance embryo selection


Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Advanced Embryo Selection has transformed embryo selection by improving the accuracy and efficiency of identifying the embryos with the highest prognosis for achieving a pregnancy.


AI uses complex algorithms to analyze and predict embryo viability with greater precision. Using AI for embryo selection helps enhance decision-making, optimize IVF outcomes, and personalize treatments for each patient.

why embryolab

Assisted Hatching


Assisted Hatching is a specialized technique employed in in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures to enhance the embryo’s ability to implant into the uterus. It is applied after warmimg of embryos and before transfer, in embryos coming form frozen oocytes, when female age is mora than 40 and when there are obvious dysmorphism at the outer shell of the oocyte (ie zona pellucida).


During Assisted Hatching, an opening is made in the zona pellucida surrounding the embryo with the use of laser technology. By facilitating the hatching process, the embryo is better able to break free from its protective layer and implant into the lining of the uterus, increasing the chances of successful pregnancy.

why embryolab

Embryolab employs Assisted Hatching as a part of our advanced IVF procedures when deemed beneficial for specific cases. Our skilled team assesses individual patient needs and incorporates this technique when it can enhance the chances of successful implantation.

Semen Analysis


Semen analysis is a crucial diagnostic tool used to assess the health and fertility potential of male reproductive function. This comprehensive examination evaluates various parameters of semen, including sperm count, motility, morphology, and other factors, providing valuable insights into male fertility.


During a semen analysis, a semen sample is collected and carefully examined in our state-of-the-art laboratory. The analysis involves assessing the concentration of sperm, their ability to move (motility), and their morphology (size and shape). Additional factors such as volume, pH, and the presence of any abnormalities are also thoroughly evaluated.

why embryolab

At Embryolab, our dedicated team of experts utilizes advanced techniques and cutting-edge equipment to perform accurate and detailed semen analyses. With a commitment to precision and reliability, our laboratory consistently delivers thorough assessments, empowering individuals and couples with the information they need to make informed decisions about their fertility journey.

Sperm Freezing


Sperm freezing, or sperm cryopreservation, is a critical procedure aimed at preserving male fertility for various reasons. This technique is particularly beneficial for individuals facing potential fertility challenges due to medical treatments, exposure to certain chemicals, or underlying medical conditions.


Sperm freezing involves the careful collection of sperm samples, which are then mixed with a cryoprotective solution. This prepared sperm is subsequently stored in a liquid nitrogen tank at an ultra-low temperature of -196°C. This cryopreservation process ensures the long-term viability of sperm, allowing individuals to retain their reproductive options for the future.

why embryolab

Choose Embryolab for your sperm freezing needs because of our experienced and skilled laboratory team. Our professionals have a proven track record of success in sperm freezing procedures, consistently achieving remarkable outcomes. We prioritize the preservation of fertility and offer a reliable solution for individuals seeking to safeguard their reproductive potential. Trust Embryolab for expert guidance and excellence in sperm freezing services.

Cryopreservation of Testicular Tissue


Cryopreservation of testicular tissue is a crucial laboratory technique that preserves and stores testicular tissue for future use. This method is particularly beneficial for men undergoing testicular biopsy for fertility preservation or those facing chemotherapy, as it offers a viable option to maintain reproductive potential despite treatments that may compromise fertility.


Cryopreservation of testicular tissue involves tissue collection, followed by tissue processing and evaluation for the presence of testicular spermatozoa. Once spermatozoa are identified, the tissue samples are cryopreserved and stored in specialized containers at ultra-low temperatures.

why embryolab

Embryolab Fertility Clinic has extensive experience in Cryopreservation of testicular tissue. The cryopreservation process is highly optimized, and the safety of cryopreserved samples is ensured through advanced high-tech 24/7 monitoring systems.

DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI) Testing


The DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI) is a specialized test designed to assess the integrity of sperm DNA. This crucial analysis provides valuable information about the potential for DNA damage within sperm cells, which can impact male fertility and contribute to challenges in conception.


DFI testing involves the examination of the degree of fragmentation or breaks in the DNA strands of sperm. A higher DFI indicates increased DNA damage, which can negatively affect sperm function and increase the risk of fertility issues. The test is conducted with precision, examining the structural integrity of sperm DNA to offer insights into the overall health of male reproductive cells.

why embryolab

At Embryolab, we recognize the significance of DFI testing in understanding male fertility. Our andrology laboratory experienced team conducts thorough DFI assessments, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of potential fertility challenges.

Sperm Fish (In-situ Fluorescence Hybridisation)


FISH is a powerful diagnostic tool for assessing chromosomal aneuploidies in sperm. It is particularly beneficial for male patients with a history of recurrent pregnancy losses, male infertility, or those who have undergone chemotherapy or engaged in substance abuse. By identifying chromosomal abnormalities, FISH can provide valuable insights into potential causes of fertility issues and guide treatment decisions.


The sperm FISH technique involves several key steps, beginning with sperm collection after 2 to 3 days of abstinence. Following collection, the sperm samples are processed and labeled with specific fluorescent probes for chromosomal analysis. The prepared samples are then examined under a fluorescence microscope. This technique enables the detection of chromosomal abnormalities, such as aneuploidies, within the sperm cells, providing valuable insights into male fertility issues.

why embryolab

At Embryolab, there is extensive experience with this advanced diagnostic tool, which contributes to a deeper understanding of male fertility factors and the development of highly successful, personalized treatment plans.

Mioxsys – Oxidative Stress Measurement


Mioxsys is a state-of-the-art system for assessing oxidative stress in semen, providing crucial insights into the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) present. High levels of oxidative stress can negatively impact sperm function and contribute to male infertility.


A special analyzer measures oxidative stress by analyzing the concentration of ROS in semen samples. This advanced technology allows for a precise evaluation of the oxidative stress levels within sperm, providing valuable information about the potential impact on fertility. By identifying and quantifying oxidative stress, Mioxsys enables targeted interventions to improve sperm quality and increase the likelihood of successful conception.

why embryolab

At Embryolab, we prioritize a comprehensive approach to fertility assessment, and Mioxsys is a key component of our advanced diagnostic services. Our skilled team utilizes Mioxsys to measure oxidative stress accurately, allowing for personalized treatment plans tailored to address specific fertility challenges.

Zymot – Microfluidic Sperm Sorting Technique


Zymot microfluidic sperm sorting is an innovative technique designed to enhance the selection and isolation of high-quality sperm for assisted reproductive procedures.


This advanced method utilizes microfluidic channels to separate sperm based on their unique characteristics, promoting the isolation of healthier and more motile sperm for various fertility treatments increasing the chances of successful fertilization during assisted reproductive procedures..

why embryolab

Because of our commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technologies for improving fertility outcomes. Our experienced team incorporates Zymot technology as part of our advanced reproductive services, ensuring precise and effective sperm selection.

Blastocyst culture


The extension of embryo culture up to the blastocyst stage.


The embryo is cultured up to the blastocyst stage (day 5) and then inserted to the uterus increasing the implantation potential and pregnancy rates.

why embryolab

Our experienced IVF experts carefully monitor embryo development throughout the blastocyst culture process, ensuring that only the strongest and most viable embryos are selected for transfer.

AI in IVF (Artificial Intelligence in In Vitro Fertilization)


AI in IVF represents a transformative integration of artificial intelligence technologies into the field of assisted reproductive medicine. This innovation leverages machine learning algorithms and data analysis to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and success of various aspects of the IVF process.


AI in IVF is employed across multiple stages of the fertility journey. It can assist in predicting optimal embryo selection based on morphological features, analyze patient data to tailor personalized treatment plans, and optimize the timing of procedures. AI algorithms learn from vast datasets, continually improving their predictive capabilities and providing valuable insights to fertility specialists.

why embryolab

Our skilled team embraces AI tools to refine and individualize treatment strategies, ultimately increasing the chances of successful conception. By choosing Embryolab, you benefit from the synergy of advanced AI applications and personalized fertility care, enhancing your fertility journey with precision and innovation.

Artificial Oocyte Activation (AOA)


Artificial Oocyte Activation is a laboratory technique that enhance the activation of eggs (oocytes) during in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. This method is particularly useful in cases where there may be concerns about the egg’s ability to undergo proper activation and fertilization.


AOA involves the introduction of specific agents to mimic the natural process of egg activation. The technique involves incubation of the injected oocyte to a specialized culture medium. This is crucial for the successful fusion of the egg and sperm, leading to fertilization.

why embryolab

At Embryolab, we recognize the significance of optimizing each step in the IVF process, including egg activation. Our experienced team utilizes Artificial Oocyte Activation when necessary, tailoring treatment strategies to individual patient needs.

Artificial Oocyte Activation (AOA)


Artificial Oocyte Activation is a laboratory technique that enhance the activation of eggs (oocytes) during in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. This method is particularly useful in cases where there may be concerns about the egg’s ability to undergo proper activation and fertilization.


AOA involves the introduction of specific agents to mimic the natural process of egg activation. The technique involves incubation of the injected oocyte to a specialized culture medium. This is crucial for the successful fusion of the egg and sperm, leading to fertilization.

why embryolab

At Embryolab, we recognize the significance of optimizing each step in the IVF process, including egg activation. Our experienced team utilizes Artificial Oocyte Activation when necessary, tailoring treatment strategies to individual patient needs.

Clean Room Technology in IVF Labs


Clean Room Technology is a critical component in the design and operation of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) laboratories. It involves the implementation of controlled environments with low levels of airborne contaminants, ensuring optimal conditions for handling sensitive biological materials like eggs, sperm, and embryos.


Clean Room Technology maintains strict protocols for air quality, temperature, humidity, and particulate control within the IVF laboratory. These controlled environments minimize the risk of contamination and provide a sterile setting for various procedures, including egg retrieval, sperm processing, and embryo culture. Clean rooms are equipped with advanced ventilation systems and filtration to create an aseptic workspace, safeguarding the integrity of reproductive cells and embryos.

why embryolab

At Embryolab, we prioritize the highest standards of cleanliness and sterility in our IVF laboratories. Our state-of-the-art facilities incorporate Clean Room Technology to create optimal conditions for handling and processing reproductive materials.