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Egg Freezing
Are all women suitable candidates for egg freezing?

All women can and have the right to preserve their fertility through this pioneering method. One of the most important and decisive factors for a good prognosis is age. Therefore, we recommend doing it early to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Egg Freezing
When should I do it?

The age between 25-35 is considered optimal for fertility preservation, as during this period, women produce eggs of good quality. Exceptions include women with a family history of early menopause or who have been diagnosed with endometriosis; these women are advised to consult a reproductive specialist early to protect their fertility.

Egg Freezing
How much does it cost?

The cost is affordable, and you can get more information by sending a message to

Egg Freezing
How long do my eggs last in cryopreservation? Does the duration of cryopreservation affect the quality of my eggs?

  • Once the eggs are cryopreserved, their biological clock stops and resumes only when the eggs are thawed.
  • The period between freezing and thawing does not affect the quality of the eggs! They remain as they were at the time of freezing, even if many years have passed!
  • Greek law allows eggs to be preserved for as long as we choose and to be fertilized up to the age of 54 for women.

Egg Freezing
When should I consider Fertility Preservation?

The time you choose to preserve your fertility determines the likelihood of conceiving with those eggs. If egg freezing is done before the age of 35, the quality of the eggs is usually very high, and therefore the chances of achieving pregnancy are high, except for special groups of women who are advised to consult a reproductive specialist earlier.

Special groups of women include:

  • Women with a family history of early menopause (before the age of 45) from a mother or grandmother.
  • Women who are about to undergo ovarian surgery.
  • Women who are about to undergo any treatment that may affect their fertility.

Egg Freezing
What are the four factors that determine the prognosis for having a child after Fertility Preservation?

  • The woman’s age at the time of egg freezing.
  • The number of eggs cryopreserved. It is recommended to cryopreserve 10-15 mature eggs to ensure a good safety level regarding the possibility of having a child.
  • The quality of the eggs. Quality is affected by genetic factors as well as environmental ones, such as lifestyle, diet, body weight, and exposure to chemicals.
  • The quality of the sperm that will eventually be used to fertilize the eggs after thawing.

Egg Freezing
How will I know if the quality of the eggs I have frozen is good?

Our ability to assess the quality of the eggs at the time of retrieval is limited. At the time of egg collection, eggs are evaluated based on their maturity and general morphology. Their potential for fertilization and the creation of a healthy embryo can only be confirmed after thawing and fertilization!

Egg Freezing
How many eggs should I freeze to feel secure?

Freezing more than 10 mature eggs usually ensures good fertility levels in young women. However, as a woman’s age increases, more eggs are needed to ensure the same level of security.

Egg Freezing
What if I end up freezing fewer than 10 mature eggs?

If the number of frozen eggs is low, you can discuss with your doctor the possibility of a new stimulation cycle to store more eggs!

Egg Freezing
Will I be able to conceive naturally after fertility preservation?

Absolutely! Fertility preservation does not limit our fertility; on the contrary, it enhances the sense of security and allows us to attempt natural conception without stress!

Egg Freezing
Will fertility preservation make me enter menopause sooner?

No! A woman is born with thousands of primordial follicles in her ovaries, of which only a few hundred reach ovulation during her reproductive period, while the rest are gradually discarded. During an ovarian stimulation cycle, eggs that the body would otherwise discard anyway are matured.

Egg Freezing
Is the process difficult? Will it hurt?

Egg freezing is now an extremely simple procedure that requires a series of steps to be successfully completed. It involves taking injections for just 9 to 10 days, followed by egg retrieval, a minimally invasive procedure where eggs are collected. Immediately after egg collection, they are frozen using special techniques and stored in a cryobank for as long as our patients wish.

It is very important to know that today, this process can be fully integrated into a woman’s daily routine without requiring her to take time off work or postpone her daily obligations and activities. At Embryolab, we focus on applying new, individualized protocols for each patient, significantly reducing the number of injections needed compared to older protocols, making the whole process extremely patient-friendly.

Egg Freezing
Are the injections I need to take dangerous?

The injections used for ovarian stimulation and egg recruitment are medications that have been tested for decades by all relevant global bodies and are not associated with negative health effects for women. However, a complete medical examination and a thorough assessment of our patients’ history are always conducted before starting any treatment, ensuring their safety.

Egg Freezing
My AMH (Anti-Müllerian Hormone) is low. Can I freeze my eggs?

AMH is an important blood test that allows us to estimate ovarian reserve. It is a quantitative, not qualitative, indicator of the eggs that helps us assess and choose the appropriate protocol for our patients. At Embryolab, recognizing the concerns and worries many women may have when starting to explore their fertility, we provide counseling based on each woman’s profile and characteristics to evaluate and predict the prognosis of this method individually.

Become a donor
If my donation is anonymous and the couple will never know who I am, then why do I provide my photo?

A recent photo is added to your file and is used ONLY by the Donation Specialists Team at Embryolab and ONLY to match your phenotypic characteristics with those of the potential recipient as required by law.

Become a donor
Does the egg retrieval process hurt, and how soon can I return to my studies, work, and daily activities?

The egg retrieval process is performed under mild anesthesia (sedation), lasts 10-15 minutes, and is a painless procedure. After the retrieval, you might feel slight discomfort in your lower abdomen, similar to period pain. You can resume your normal daily activities the next day.

Become a donor
How many times can I donate my eggs?

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has set a maximum of 6 cycles for egg donation that a donor can safely undergo. A recommended interval of 3-5 months between donation cycles is advised.

Become a donor
How long does each appointment last and what are the appointment hours?

The duration of your visits to the clinic ranges from half an hour to a maximum of 2 hours, depending on the type of appointment. The donation coordinator who will support you will inform you each time so you can organize your time accordingly. Appointment hours range from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

Become a donor
How many times do I need to come in for monitoring? (laboratory tests and ultrasounds)

The total number of your visits during the investigation and treatment up until the egg retrieval is estimated to be 6-8.

Become a donor
What is the National Donor Registry?

The National Donor Registry has been established by the National Authority for Medically Assisted Reproduction to monitor the children resulting from each donor. It serves as the official body for recording cycles of sperm and egg donations

Become a donor
How many children can be born from one donor?

According to the legal framework, up to 12 children can be born from a single donor in Greece.

Become a donor
What does Named Donation mean?

The legal framework in Greece allows named donation only to lateral relatives (siblings, cousins). This means that a woman can receive eggs from her sister or cousin, provided that the donor meets the criteria set by law (age, health, etc.).

Become a donor
What does Anonymous Donation mean?

In this type of donation, there is no possibility of accessing the identity details of the Donor, only the medical history, and only if issues related to the child’s health arise. The legal framework for the Donation process requires you to consent, after being informed, to the type of donation you choose

Become a donor
What does Open Donation mean?

In this type of donation, access to the identity details of the donor is permitted by the child only after they reach adulthood. In the event that the adult child wishes to contact the donor, they can do so through the Unit or through the National Authority for Medically Assisted Reproduction using their identity details.

In this type of donation, communication and meeting with the donor can only take place if the donor also consents to communicate with the adult child.

The legal framework for the Donation process requires you to consent, after being informed, to the type of donation you choose.

Become a donor
Will I meet the woman or couple who will receive my eggs?

In neither of the two types of donation (Anonymous/Open) can the parents or the recipient have access to the donor’s identity information.

Become a donor
What does Named Donation mean?

The egg donation process is a safe procedure that does not affect your fertility or your ability to have your own children.

Become a donor
Can I donate eggs if my fallopian tubes are blocked?

Yes, you can! Blocked fallopian tubes do not affect your ovaries.

Become a donor
Are there criteria for participation in the program, such as height and weight?

Yes, donors with a normal body mass index (BMI) can be accepted into the egg donation program.

Become a donor
What are the requirements for participation in the Embryolab Egg Donation Program and how do you screen potential donors?

Women ages 19-32 answer our call and apply to the egg donor program. The donor team reviews the donor applications and profiles and selects the profiles of young women likely to pass screening. Donors must meet certain height and weight requirements. Educated donors are strongly preferred. Donors are subjected to genetic, medical, endocrinological, psychological, and ultrasound testing to determine if they are eligible. Eligible donors are also screened and interviewed by one of Embryolab physicians. All donors who pass screening meet FDA standards.

Become a donor
Will I be paid for my donation?

Egg donation is an altruistic act. Compensation is legally provided for the time, effort, travel, and dedication to the process. According to the legal framework of our country, egg donors are compensated each time they donate their eggs.

Become a donor
What type of medications are used for egg collection?

The same pharmaceutical preparations used for ovarian stimulation are utilized for the egg donation treatment. These are hormones produced by the woman’s body, administered externally to produce multiple eggs.

Become a donor
Can I donate eggs if I already have my own children?

Of course, yes. Just as you experienced the gift of motherhood, with your donation, you will help another woman to have a healthy child and experience motherhood as well!

Become a donor
Can I donate my eggs to a specific person?

The legal framework in Greece permits named donation only to relatives in the collateral line (siblings, cousins). If you need further clarification, please contact Embryolab at:

Become a donor
Can I cryopreserve some eggs for my own future use?

Certainly! This option gives you the ability to offer a gift to patients who are struggling to have a child without your help, while also preserving your fertility for the future

Psychological Support
The Choice of Motherhood for a Woman Without a Partner

The desire to have a child is a personal matter that can arise within the context of a relationship—but not necessarily only there.

Modern lifestyles, work demands, the absence of a partner, the factor of age, and many other factors can lead a woman to consider having a child without a partner at that particular moment. Her desires, combined with the fundamental reality of time, shape the framework within which she negotiates the decision to have a child—on her own.

In forming this decision, certain concerns arise, such as:

  • The weight of individual responsibility, both practically and emotionally
  • Managing societal perceptions and the reactions of her immediate environment
  • Handling this type of single parenthood in the course of raising the child
  • Coping with the fear of the unknown and the future

It is important that every thought and concern is discussed and that each woman finds her own personal answers. This helps in making a well-informed decision, as the questions, the answers, and the final decision are hers alone.

However, this does not mean that she has to experience it all alone. Sharing, expressing, talking, and seeking counseling during the decision-making process are ways to connect more deeply with oneself, to gain new insights, discover questions and answers, and to view the path with less emotional intensity and more awareness.

Efforts Without Results

Every attempt to have a child is a cycle that begins with hope and the expectation of a positive outcome. But when this does not happen, the cycle closes abruptly. However, the desire remains.

What went wrong? Did I make a mistake? Is it worth trying again? Will we ever succeed?


Psychological Support
How can I tackle any psychosomatic symptoms?

Each with its own “tools” allows us to perceive our needs, prompting us to address them. Just as we physically feel hunger, sleepiness, pain, etc., we also receive signals psychologically through emotions like fear, joy, sadness, or anger about what is happening. A physical condition can have emotional effects, and vice versa.

Psychosomatic Symptoms

Psychosomatic symptoms occur when emotions find an outlet for expression in the body. When intense emotional states are present, or when we struggle to connect with our feelings—headaches, dizziness, stomach issues, skin conditions, neck pain, and more—these can become the body’s way of speaking on behalf of our psychology.

Key Things to Observe in Our Daily Flow

  • If our sleep has been affected
  • If our diet has changed
  • How our concentration is
  • What our mood is like
  • How much energy we feel we have
  • If we are experiencing psychosomatic symptoms
  • If our immune system is weakened

During the IVF Process

A common concern for women during the IVF process is whether their psychological state can affect their physical condition. Any unpleasant emotion may seem like a threat that could ruin the outcome, but this is not true in practice. It’s important to remember that an excessive effort to remain positive can force our other voices (such as anxiety, discomfort, or irritation) to find an outlet in the body.

The process of self-care does not change or gain new rules during this period of trying. We observe, understand, explain, and care for both our body and our psychology.

The Psychology of Nutrition

At Embryolab, our goal is fertility. Nutrition is directly connected to fertility issues and plays its role in the IVF process. However, our diet is also influenced by our mental state, and we may notice that depending on our emotional phases, it becomes easier or harder to take care of it.

A Proper Diet or Ideal Body Weight

These are certainly desirable for most people. However, the pace of daily life, stress, emotional instability, pressure from life’s difficulties, and many other factors can be reasons to neglect our nutrition or find in it a refuge of pleasure (if no other is available). Conversely, we may be in an anxious pursuit of perfect nutrition—trying to take care of the body but ultimately linking it to high levels of stress. Under certain conditions, any tendency can evolve into an eating disorder.

What Can We Do?

First, recognize our relationship with food and, without fear or guilt, address it with understanding and genuine interest. This is a healthy approach, as opposed to a restrictive one that tries to “put us on a regimen” in a harsh or unsustainable way. This is a good example of the conflict that often leads us to a dead end: “pleasure with poor nutrition” or “punishment with good nutrition.”

Our eating behavior is a significant aspect that characterizes our relationship with ourselves: how we maintain, care for, please, and ensure our[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Psychological Support
How infertility is impacting sexuality?

Infertility is a condition that affects various aspects of a couple’s life, and one of the areas often impacted is sexuality. Sometimes it is burdened with guilt for not achieving the desired outcome, and other times it is accompanied by the fear of losing it entirely. It’s not uncommon for sexuality to become a taboo subject, even within the relationship.

Sexual Intercourse

Sexual intercourse is one of many ways a couple connects, and it often reflects elements of their overall interaction. It is influenced both by the phases the couple is going through and by the psychological state of each partner. At the same time, sex is also an expression of fertility. It symbolizes the result of union, love, and affection. However, when this path does not lead to the desired destination, emotional reactions can arise:

Gradually, sexual activity may become solely associated with having a child, losing all other significance.

The couple, or one of the partners, may begin to avoid intercourse, which becomes laden with guilt.

The feeling that “sex just happens” or conversely that “it starts not to happen” can make people feel like they are losing control. This can lead to isolation within the couple, who feel powerless in the face of the unspoken issue that lingers in the air. When sexual dysfunctions are present, it becomes difficult to distinguish between cause and effect.

Choosing IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) often comes as a solution, but it replaces the traditional path of sexual intercourse. This can be both a relief and a source of sadness. In this phase, it’s important that neither sex, the relationship, nor either partner becomes a scapegoat.


Sexuality does not need to be sacrificed. It is a part of ourselves and our relationship that we can nurture separately. We can maintain all the ways that bring us closer: touch, kissing, hugging, communication, and the desire to be together – in every sense.

Psychological Support
Me and Other Cases: Examples That Help or Stress Me Out?

During the journey, anxiety and concern about the outcome can manifest in various ways. A common one is seeking out information or examples that reveal success rates or potential risks. Searching the internet, comparing with other couples in the immediate environment, or even within the same clinic can become a source of information.

How Does This Tendency Affect a Couple in the Process of Trying?

Comparison can sometimes be done in moderation without preventing us from focusing on ourselves. However, it can also become persistent, leading to disorganization. The thought that “every case is different” is usually acknowledged in theory but doesn’t always ease our emotions. Essentially, behind these searches is our need to feel secure.

However, if we notice that these searches increase our anxiety or divert us from our own path:

Focus on three key areas:

  • Time: Stay in the present.
  • Practicality: Take each step one at a time.
  • Emotionally: Stay connected with yourself.

Set limits on constant internet searches.

Remind yourself that to ease fear, you need to trust yourself more rather than compare.

Seek help if you find it challenging to manage on your own.

Psychological Support
Should I share my journey with the people close to me?

One of the questions that often concerns couples is whether they should share their journey with those close to them and how much this might help. In some cases, the answer is clear and straightforward—either “yes” or “no”—based on the specific circumstances and needs of each couple. However, sometimes the decision is influenced by various thoughts and concerns, such as:

Exposure: of something very personal, affecting both individuals and the relationship itself.

Worry: about causing distress by sharing the news.

Anxiety over others’ expectations: the responsibility they may feel for the success or failure.

Fear: of being bombarded with too many questions about every step (test results, causes of infertility, treatment plan choices, etc.).

Frustration: if they hear too many tips on success or positive thinking.

Guilt: if they ultimately decide not to share and “leave these people out.”


How Can an Environment Be Supportive?

  • By maintaining as discreet an approach as possible.
  • By avoiding intrusive questions and expressions of anxiety.
  • By focusing more on the people rather than just the outcome.

It’s important for each couple to feel free to organize and carry out their steps as they see fit, answering for themselves the questions, “What helps us?” and “How do we want to experience this?”

In the end—regardless of who and how many people are by their side—their journey remains their own unique, personal, and distinct experience!

Psychological Support
What things should I consider during embryo transfer?

Embryo transfer is the much-anticipated moment that marks the culmination and peak of a long journey. But it’s even more than that—it’s the moment of connection with the embryo, which now sets the natural course of things. For these reasons, it’s a magical but also anxiety-filled experience, as it’s followed by days of waiting for the result.

When preparing for the embryo transfer, it’s crucial for every woman to focus on herself. All eyes may be on her, but this should not be a source of pressure. The same supportive approach should be reflected in the attitudes of those around her. Every conversation can be a source of encouragement, or the opposite. Words of understanding and support can ease anxiety, while repeated questions, remarks, and advice can lead to feelings of isolation and alienation.

Finally, it’s important to remember that the embryo, which we eagerly anticipate, has its own journey that unfolds alongside ours. The patience required during this time may seem like it ties our hands, but in reality, it asks us to keep them open.

The Waiting Period

Waiting with patience… until the final result! The days that follow are filled with anxiety, anticipation, and hope, bringing the period of efforts to a close. These are also strange days, as the active phase has ended. For every woman, this journey is a deeply personal experience.

Her body, emotions, thoughts—everything she does—is part of this living process. The fear of the result, whether in the form of anxiety or a need for control, is natural but requires management to prevent it from becoming overwhelming. General advice suggests maintaining as normal a routine as possible, with caution and avoiding extremes of any kind. Obviously, intense activity should be avoided, but so should total inactivity, even though some women might choose it with the best of intentions. Engaging in something enjoyable, taking a walk, having a friendly conversation, and similar activities can help reduce anxiety.

Of course, every woman has her own unique needs, so only she can know what stresses her, what relaxes her, who inspires her for conversation, what kind of daily routine helps her, and ultimately, how she wants to live through these special days. By staying in touch with herself and trusting her feelings, she can effectively manage this demanding waiting period. Moreover, it’s important not to burden herself unnecessarily with thoughts like “Does it matter that I was anxious? Am I not positive enough?” Such thoughts are usually expressions of anxiety rather than factors that could affect the outcome.

The Partner Relationship

The relationship and its journey during this time are important because the relationship itself is present, participating and being influenced as an independent entity. It may be the starting point of the journey and the driving force behind it, but it also bears the weight of anxiety, discomfort, and fatigue experienced by both partners. There may even be fears and concerns about the future of the relationship after the “storm of infertility.” Moments of tension, relief, isolation, as well as connection, communication, and tenderness may alternate in the couple’s daily life.

The effort to have a child may begin as a beautiful goal but can turn into a painful process that risks defining the relationship entirely. When having a child becomes the measure of whether the relationship will continue, the whole process takes on a more stressful character, and the result becomes a heavy and risky title. A significant part of managing this situation is the internal distinction and clear understanding of the relationship between the problem and the approach to the goal.

This makes it easier to maintain balance and for each partner to support the other according to their needs. How can this be put into practice?

  • Through communication: with honesty, respect, consistency, and patience.
  • Through acceptance: without criticism or a dismissive attitude.
  • Through physical and verbal contact.
  • Through finding common ground: in decisions and management.
  • Through mutual support: both partners need it.

By avoiding comparisons: every couple is unique.

With the constant reminder: that the relationship needs its own care, as it too is trying to grow.

Psychological Support
What traps should be avoided to maintain “good mental health”

On the path to “good mental health,” we can avoid the following traps:

  • Trap No. 1: Associating “good” with “happy”
    It’s inherently impossible (at any stage of our lives) since we don’t only experience stimuli of joy. The reality of infertility and the process of trying cannot be exclusively associated with feelings of joy or satisfaction.
  • Trap No. 2: Blaming ourselves for any unpleasant emotions
    The idea that bad feelings are harmful to us is incorrect.
  • Trap No. 3: Connecting the outcome of the effort with the emotions we experienced during it
    It doesn’t help to treat our mental health as a tool or instrument, but rather as the way we experience the effort itself, just as we do with everything else.
  • Trap No. 4: Criticizing our partner when they experience emotional difficulties
    Even if we think our goal is to help, comments like “don’t feel that way/you’re hurting yourself with these feelings” lead to feelings of alienation and isolation, as the connection has been replaced by criticism.
  • Trap No. 5: Resisting help and clinging to dysfunctional habits

Human nature often tends to get stuck in the familiar and avoid the new, even if it’s more helpful. If we notice that the way we’re trying to improve our mental health isn’t working, we’re likely on a journey to find something better—let’s support that!




Psychological Support
How to Prepare for the Start?

After months or even years of trying, the IVF process often begins—a special moment for the relationship, filled with emotions. Each couple tries to prepare as much as possible from every perspective—practically, psychologically, medically, and physically. Initially, the period of organization and procedural matters usually creates some disruption until the step of treatment and completion comes. Naturally, the woman is more at the center of attention, but this does not mean that the partner’s psychology is any less important. This beginning and this journey are shared and walked hand in hand.

How the Couple Can Enhance Their Unique Journey

  • Good contact and communication within the relationship: Without criticism but with understanding and free emotional expression.
  • Focusing on “one step at a time”: Avoiding anxious thoughts.
  • Comprehensive information about the process: Addressing concerns that reduce insecurity.
  • Effective management of the environment: Choosing the right people to share the experience with.
  • Good organization of daily life and consistent self-care: Helping each partner physically and mentally.
  • Avoiding persistent searches on the internet and comparisons with other cases: Preventing distraction and disorientation.
  • Constant reminder that all this is happening for the chance towards a beautiful goal: Not to pressure, burden, or wear out ourselves and our relationship.


At Embryolab, our goal is fertility.

Psychological Support
How to Manage Moments of Anger During the Journey of Trying?

The diagnosis of infertility alone is enough to trigger a series of difficult emotions, which release the natural human reaction to what is happening. One of these emotions is anger, which sometimes manifests intensely and other times more quietly — even guiltily. Anger is often seen as a “bad/wrong” emotion that troubles us with its intensity. However, we must remember that it, too, has its utility, like all other human emotions.

Where is Anger Usually Directed?

Anger can be directed at fate, destiny, ourselves, our partner, those who bring us bad news, those who ask why we don’t have children yet, every piece of advice that doesn’t help, and the question of why this is happening to us.

When Does It Appear?

Anger can be present from the initial unsuccessful attempts, during the diagnosis of infertility, and throughout the effort.

Which Partner Feels It More?

There is no rule. One partner might react more strongly to anger due to personality, circumstances, or other factors, or both partners might experience it simultaneously.

How Can We Express Our Anger Without Harming the Relationship?

Given the intensity it naturally causes, it is important not to express anger aggressively within the couple. The manner of expression plays a significant role: saying “it’s your fault” or various personal insults is different from saying “I am angry with what is happening.” When anger is accepted and there is understanding, it is more likely to subside sooner.

How Can We Manage It?

As with any emotion, managing anger becomes easier when we understand its role and the need it serves. Anger is part of the reaction to something we experience as difficulty, loss, or change. It also expresses a sense of injustice. The goal is to move more smoothly toward accepting the new situation through the release of these reactions.


If anger is intense and persistent, hindering our progress, we might need to pay more attention to our deeper needs and how we perceive adaptation. Often, the sense of justice behind anger can become confining. While it seems to be fighting to justify us, it may prevent us from moving forward.

I have endometriosis. Can that affect my fertility? Will I need to do IVF?

Though difficult to quantify, endometriosis is a relatively common condition, affecting roughly between 10-15% of women. It can have a variety of symptoms or may be insidious without any obvious signs. As regards fertility, it is estimated that around 30-40% of women with endometriosis do indeed have difficulties in conceiving. Although it has yet to be proven exactly how endometriosis can lead to low fertility, it is believed numerous factors come into play in this mechanism. Of course, at a more severe stage of the disease, anatomical factors impact on natural conception, such as symphysis around the fallopian tubes or large endometriotic cysts in the ovaries. Without having much information in your specific case, I can’t exclude the possibility of your fertility being affected by endometriosis. Despite that, there are solutions that can help. Endometriosis laparoscopy surgery can improve the chances of pregnancy both natural and IVF. Also, with the modern assisted reproduction protocol we can further increase the success rate through individualized treatment. When you decide to have a child it would be a good idea to consult a specialist reproductive gynaecologist for guidance on your attempt.

My partner and I decided to have a child, but I very anxious that we might not manage it. Should we take some prenatal screening?

You shouldn’t get anxious as you’re at the beginning of your efforts and often being hasty doesn’t help matters. Try then to rid yourself as much as you can of any stress from your everyday life. In any case, 85% of couples who try to get pregnant manage in the first year of their efforts. As far as prenatal screening goes, it’s a little early for you to resort to taking a whole series of diagnostic tests, which might be expensive and unnecessary in your case. On the other hand, the annual check up with your gynaecologist is very important, especially when you’ve got pregnancy in mind. I think that an ultrasound check of the uterus and ovaries together with a blood test, a mammography and a Pap test suffice for an evaluation of your health. If after a year of trying you haven’t reached your goal, then it would be advisable for you to consult a specialist at an assisted reproduction centre.

Exactly which tests should a woman do regarding the health of her vagina and uterus before going for implantation? I’ve heard that about a culture which should take place during the period.

It is true that a healthy vagina, and particularly uterus, plays an important role in embryo implantation and success in IVF. The condition of the vagina can be assessed through a clinical test and secretion culture of both from the vagina and the ectocervix (vaginal part of the cervix). This test should not though be taken during the period as it lessens its reliability. On the other hand, an evaluation of the state of the uterus requires more specialized tests. Firstly an ultrasound check will assess the texture and morphology of the uterus. Also an endometrial culture can be done, except it must not derive from period material. I would suggest that you do a biopsy at a specialised centre a few days after the end of the period. Thus, should any microbes be found in the uterus, they can be dealt with.

In the first month of free sexual contact I became pregnant, but I had a missed abortion in the 6th week. Four months have passed since the ablation. What do you recommend? Should I take tests? I am scared of having another try.

You shouldn’t get anxious as you’re at the beginning of your efforts and often being hasty doesn’t help matters. Try then to rid yourself as much as you can of any stress from your everyday life. In any case, 85% of couples who try to get pregnant manage in the first year of their efforts. As far as prenatal screening goes, it’s a little early for you to resort to taking a whole series of diagnostic tests, which might be expensive and unnecessary in your case. On the other hand, the annual check up with your gynaecologist is very important, especially when you’ve got pregnancy in mind. I think that an ultrasound check of the uterus and ovaries together with a blood test, a mammography and a Pap test suffice for an evaluation of your health. If after a year of trying you haven’t reached your goal, then it would be advisable for you to consult a specialist at an assisted reproduction centre.

What is the average amount of time for trying to conceive? I know that once a year has passed, it would be good to take tests, but are there any facts on the average length of time for trying?

Like other similar preparations on the Greek market, Pregnacare Conception is a good food supplement with ingredients that may help a woman’s body in her attempt at pregnancy. We would suggest she keeps using it during her efforts.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a couple having a child through artificial insemination and how will it affect their lives?

The issues you raise open up an enormous discussion but we will try to cover the main points. Artificial insemination is a tool we have at our disposal to help couples with fertility problems to achieve their goal of pregnancy and a healthy child. Its big advantage is that we can monitor every stage of the reproductive process and can pinpoint where the problem lies through specific tests. Once we know the cause of the problem, we can recommend solutions and increase the chances of success. On the other hand, the main down side of IVF is the cost, not only in financial terms but also emotionally. This is a procedure that a couple must manage psychologically since it requires time and determination which may well impact on their everyday lives. For that reason, the IVF centre you choose must have a service for psychological support from a psychologist specialised in assisted reproduction.

What is the procedure used for the frozen oocyte method?

The procedure for cryopreservation of eggs, or oocytes, once more starts with ovulation induction. However, following oocyte collection we do not proceed to insemination but to their cryopreservation. This method is particularly effective for achieving pregnancy following these oocytes’ thawing and insemination, when cryopreservation has been performed by vitrification, the most up-to-date method available.

After the embryo transfer, how long must I wait for the results?

Don’t depend on any symptoms of pregnancy. We recommend that you do an hCG test around 15 days after embryo transfer to find out the result of the attempt. Until that time have patience and try not to get anxious.

Can I have IVF treatment with foreign eggs? Will the baby take any features from my DNA?

It is a fact that egg donation has helped many women to experience the joy of pregnancy and motherhood. In this procedure eggs from a suitable donor and spermatozoa from your partner would be used. This means that the embryo will not take any genetic material from you. However, the endometrial life greatly influences the embryo. Research has proven that the environment of the uterus determines the state of health of a human until adulthood. On the other hand, the child will of course take elements of your character, since our personalities are formed during our upbringing and are not determined genetically. For that reason, I think that you should place great importance on the choice of the Assisted Reproduction unit you choose so that you’re sure that the necessary genetic and psychological checks are carried out on the donor. At Embryolab, the donation programme follows strict selection and control procedure.

Once the IVF treatment succeeds will the birth always be carried out through caesarean section?

The manner of birth is not determined by the manner of fertilisation, but by the course of the pregnancy, whether or not complications arise and by the course of the child birth itself. Therefore birth by caesarean section is by no means inevitable after IVF. Of more importance is that you give birth safely, whether that be naturally or by caesarean, and return home with a healthy child.

Could you please give me some information on natural cycle IVF?

The incorporation of natural cycle IVF protocols has gained quite a lot of interest in recent years. In this procedure, we monitor the first half of the woman’s cycle without the use of any medication and we end with egg collection when conditions are right to activate oocyte maturation. Fertilisation then takes place in the lab together with embryo transfer so as to gather a specific number of eggs and increase the chances of success. Though natural cycle IVF may sound attractive since no medication is used, we should not forget that it does have certain disadvantages. It is a procedure that needs time to get results, a fact that makes it both time consuming and often exhausting for the couple. Also, when medication is not used there is always the risk of us not having any eggs in the end or that we don’t get natural ovulation in time, often creating in the meantime a lot of stress for the couple. Natural cycle IV is a useful tool but doesn’t suit everyone. A specialised reproductive gynaecologist can advise you if this will be appropriate for you and help you make the right decision.

Is a preimplantation screening vital for IVF or should it only be done when the parents carry a hereditary condition?

Preimplantation screening is one of the tools we use in assisted reproduction to help couples who need it. It should however be carried out when there are specific indications and not on everyone without exception. Indeed it is employed on couples with a hereditary disorder so we can ascertain the condition of the embryos. In this case, a PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) is performed in which specific genetic disorders are tested for, such as thalassaemia and cystic fibrosis. Thus, only the healthy embryos are transferred to the uterus. However, PGS can also be of help to other couples. Couples suffering repeated miscarriages or failed IVF attempts as well as women of an advanced reproductive age can benefit from checking embryos for chromosomal abnormalities. Our mission once again is to transfer only healthy embryos so as to increase the chances of success

My doctor recommended Pregnacare Conception for as long as we were trying and I’ve been taking it. Do you have any comment on this supplement? Is it effective? Should I continue with it?

Like other similar preparations on the Greek market, Pregnacare Conception is a good food supplement with ingredients that may help a woman’s body in her attempt at pregnancy. We would suggest she keeps using it during her efforts.

I’m 40 years’ old and have been married for 3 years. We’ve been trying to have a child and I’m thinking of trying artificial insemination. I have heard though that it has a low success rate. Am I wasting more time?

Endometrial insemination has been used since the early days of assisted reproduction in various forms. It can offer a better success rate compared with natural conception, especially for couples who don’t have any serious problem, though it does lag behind IVF treatment quite markedly. Also before you opt for insemination, you should know that there are certain pre-requisites, such as passable fallopian tubes and a good spermogram, for there to be success. If you and your husband meet these pre-requisites, you can try for a while with this method. But since you are already 40, this time should be fairly brief. For that reason we suggest that after one or two attempts – if unsuccessful – so as not to give up or get discouraged, go on to IVF. In this way you won’t have lost much time and you will have used all the tools at our disposal today in assisted reproduction.

I am 41 and my husband 42. I’ve been trying to get pregnant for the last two months. Does it make sense for me to start an IVF course right away?

Many couples wonder when is the time to seek help for assisted reproduction. Regarding your case, of course natural conception isn’t ruled out. However, the most important prognostic indicator both for natural conception and with IVF is the woman’s age, since the likelihood of becoming pregnant after 40 decreases greatl. For that reason we suggest you soon do an initial evaluation at Embryolab. A simple series of tests for yourself and your spouse can trace your reproductive profile. Having those in mind, a gynaecologist specialised in reproductive medicine can design an action plan so you don’t waste any time.

I’m 33 and my husband 34. We started trying to have a baby almost 17 months ago with no result. The ultrasound test didn’t show any symptoms of endometriosis. Is a value of 20.1 on the CA-125 with a maximum of 35 an obstruction to conceiving?

It is true that endometriosis can be an insidious threat to a couple trying to realise their dream as it would appear to affect some 10-15% of women at a reproduction age, and this rate increases for women facing fertility difficulties. Unfortunately, the value of the CA-125 index is somewhat limited, and I would say in your case the CA-125 is value is rather questionable. On the other hand, many women with endometriosis have no clinical signs or clear symptoms, apart from fertility problems. A definitive diagnosis of the condition can only be made with laparoscopy and a histological examination of the suspect areas. We would recommend that you don’t make any rushed decisions. An evaluation at Embryolab will provide you with a specific assessment. Based on the information you have given us, it is unlikely that endometriosis is the source of your problems. Even if the opposite is proven to be the case, modern protocols and IVF methods can help you to achieve your goal.