
Δημήτρης Β.


BA, MEd., PhD


Ο Δημήτρης Β. Νικολαΐδης, BA, M.Ed., Ph.D, είναι διοικητικό στέλεχος με μεταπτυχιακές και διδακτορικές σπουδές στην Αμερική (Temple University). Εξειδικεύτηκε στην οργάνωση και διοίκηση υπηρεσιών ενώ στο ίδιο αντικείμενο βρίσκονται και τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα (διερεύνηση παραγόντων που επηρεάζουν την ικανοποίηση του πελάτη και στοιχεία που καθορίζουν την ποιότητα στις υπηρεσίες).

Ο Δ. Νικολαΐδης εργάστηκε σε διευθυντικές θέσεις σε εταιρίες τόσο της Ελλάδας όσο και των ΗΠΑ. Διετέλεσε για σειρά ετών επικεφαλής στο Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του Διεθνούς Τμήματος του Πανεπιστημίου Sheffield, City College, όπου συνεχίζει να κατέχει τη θέση του Αναπληρωτή Καθηγητή.

Διδάσκει επίσης στο Πανεπιστήμιο Tilburg, TIAS Business School στην Ολλανδία, όπως και σε μεταπτυχιακό επίπεδο στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης.

Άρθρα του έχουν δημοσιευτεί σε εθνικά και διεθνή περιοδικά ενώ έχει προσκληθεί σε δεκάδες σεμινάρια και ημερίδες, αναλύοντας θέματα διοίκησης, διαχείρισης ποιότητας, στρατηγικών επικοινωνίας, καινοτομίας, ανάπτυξης προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών.

Έχει περισσότερες από 5000 ώρες σεμιναρίων, διαλέξεων και παρουσιάσεων σε θέματα διοίκησης, ανάπτυξης νέων προϊόντων, επικοινωνίας, εταιρικής οργάνωσης και διαχείρισης ποιότητας υπηρεσιών με τη μορφή workshops.

Ο Δ. Νικολαΐδης εργάζεται στο Embryolab από το 2017. Υποστηρίζει τη διοίκηση με επίκεντρο τον άνθρωπο. Λειτουργεί χωρίς υστεροβουλία και χαρακτηρίζεται από κατανόηση, λογική, δικαιοσύνη και σεβασμό. Λειτουργεί συνεκτικά και πιστεύει πολύ στη δύναμη της επικοινωνίας και της ομάδας.

Εντάχτηκε στην ομάδα του Embryolab για 3 απλούς λόγους: για τις Αξίες και το όραμα, τους θετικούς και ικανούς ανθρώπους και την απίστευτη προσήλωση στην ποιότητα και διαφάνεια.

Κύριος σκοπός του είναι η διαφύλαξη της ποιότητας σε κάθε πτυχή της λειτουργίας, την ανάπτυξη των ανθρώπων και την βελτιστοποίηση υπηρεσιών και λειτουργιών.

Δημοσιεύσεις – Συνέδρια

Communication, Public Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility in Principles of Management and Marketing, by Alexandris, K., (ISBN: 978-960-8183-84-1).

Promotional Licensing and Trademarks, in The Economic Impact of Sports, edited by Papanikos, G., (ISBN: 960-85411-7-4).

Nikolaidis, D., Chrysikou, S. and Alexandris, K. (2016). Testing the relationship between hotel service quality and hotel brand personality, International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management, 1 (4), pp. 355–369.

Patsiaouras, A., Papanikolaou, Z., Haritonidis, K., Nikolaidis, D., Keramidas, P. “The use of the person-centered approach for the reduction of the state – trait anxiety” Athletic Insight, 1, 2, 2009, ISSN 1536-0431.

Nikolaidis, D., Sargiotis, D., Papanikolaou, Z., Voutselas, V. “The development of a community relations program” Organization of Athletics, University of Peloponnesus.

Papanikolaou, Ζ., Nikolaidis, D., Patsiaouras, Α., Trihia, Ε. “Motivational Factors for Children” Admisnistration of Athletics, 2, 1: 39-42, 2004, University of Peloponnesus.

Nikolaidis, D., Soulas, D., Papanikolaou, Ζ.., Koliakou, Α. “Risk Management” Admisnistration of Athletics, 2, 1: 71-74, 2004, University of Peloponnesus.

Gissis, I., Nikolaidis, D., Papadopoulos, C. “Olympische Erziehung: Anwendungen und Neigungen in den griechischen Schulen mit den Olympischen Spielen des Jahres 2004 als Richtschnur” Sportunterricht, 2, 53: 47-49, 2004.

Papanikolaou, Z., Nikolaidis, D., Patsiaouras, A., Alexopoulos, P. “The freshman experience: High stress – low grades” Athletic Insight, Vol. 4, Issue 5, 2003.

Nikolaidis, D., Avgerinou, V., Lazou, Α., Papanikolaou, Ζ. “Functions and Applications of Marketing in Professional Sports” Organization of Athletics, 1, 2: 148-151, 2003, University of Peloponnesus.

Nikolaidis, D., “Professional Sport: Organizational Structures and Administration” Economy and Sports, 1, (1), p. 28-31, 2001, Sport Economists of Greece, Athens.

Nikolaidis, D., “Sponsorship: The link of corporate with sport world ” Sports and Society, 19, p. 96-100, 1998, University of Thrace.

Nikolaidis, D., “Sport Management: Professional Preparation and Perspectives” Scientific Marketing 52, p. 56-59, 1993, Athens.

Nikolaidis, D., “Introduction in the Science of Sport Management” Sports and Society, 3, p. 50, 1991,University of Thrace.

Nikolaidis, D., Papanikolaou, Z., Antoniadou, S., Gissis I., “Professional sport: community relations and the case of a professional soccer club”, 5th World Congress of Science and Football, April 11-15, 2003, Lisbon, Portugal.

Nikolaidis, D., Papanikolaou, Z., Gissis I., Antoniadou, S. “Setting the dimensions and the functions of a sport marketing department in Greek soccer teams”, 5th World Congress of Science and Football, April 11-15, 2003, Lisbon, Portugal.

Daya Milcheva, D., Nikolaidis, D. (2013). Improving Internal Service Quality Perceptions in Business to Business. Strategica International Academic Conference, 27-28 June, 2013, Bucharest, Romania.

Mkrtchyan, I., Nikolaidis, D (2013). The Importance of Public Relations Education in Agriculture: Perception of the academics and the students – The Case of Armenia. Strategica International Academic Conference, 27-28 June, 2013, Bucharest, Romania.

Nikolaidis, D., Lazou, Α., Papanikolaou, Ζ., Gissis, Ι. (2003). Sports and Risk: Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki . 6th Scientific Symposium, 6-7 December 2003, Serres, Greece.

Daya Milcheva, D., Nikolaidis, D. (2013). Improving Internal Service Quality Perceptions in Business to Business. Strategica International Academic Conference, 27-28 June, 2013, Bucharest, Romania.

Mkrtchyan, I., Nikolaidis, D (2013). The Importance of Public Relations Education in Agriculture: Perception of the academics and the students – The Case of Armenia. Strategica International Academic Conference, 27-28 June, 2013, Bucharest, Romania.

Nikolaidis, D., Lazou, Α., Papanikolaou, Ζ., Gissis, Ι. (2003). Sports and Risk: Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki . 6th Scientific Symposium, 6-7 December 2003, Serres, Greece.

TIAS School for Business and Society, Utrecht (Feb., 2023): How to create a high – performing brand… to last!

Creating Impact in People’s Lives; Midwifery School, Kozani (January 2023 & November 2023)

Thessaloniki Innovation Zone, Values and Vision as Guides for Life (November 2022)

University of York Europe Campus, “Building an International Brand, A brand that has it all”

HR Week Conference: How to create a high–performing brand… to last! (Nov. 25, 2022)

Cultivating Entrepreneurial Culture in Elementary Schools, Khalkidhiki (Oct. 7, 2022)

Imagine – Think – Apply: 4h workshop at 3rd Elementary School of Pylaia, Thessaloniki, June 7, 2022

University of York Europe Campus, Building Brands from Inside out – The Case of Embryolab, (May 26, 2022)

Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Cultivating new attitudes in primary schools, 20.5.2015, Thessaloniki

Education Innovation and Entrepreneurship, “Connecting Education with Entrepreneurship” Thessaloniki Conference 2015, Organized by the Hellenic – American Chamber of Commerce, 27.4.2015

The Hotel and Hospitality Industry: A need for a new direction; a need for a new philosophy, 21.3.2013, 3rd Hotel and Hospitality Management Conference, Thessaloniki.

Developing Effective Employee Communication, 2.3.2012, American University of Tirana, Albania.

Effective Communication Strategies, 19.5.2011, Business Seminar Series, CITY College, Thessaloniki

Redefining the Communication Strategy: Critical Factors for the Development of an Advertising Campaign, 2.12.2010, Marketing Club of Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki

Redefining the Communication Strategy: Critical Factors for the Development of an Advertising Campaign, 4.11.2010, Business Seminar Series, CITY College, Thessaloniki

Organizing and Managing Sales, 12.5.2010, CITY College, Thessaloniki

The Successful Advertising Campaign, 28.11.2010, Money Show, Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki

Workshop on Advertising campaign planning, 12.11.2010, Thessaloniki

Managing a Media company, 1.12.2008, Aristotle’s University, Thessaloniki

The Effective Marketing Plan, 9.4.2008, Marketing Club

Creating the Advertising Brief, 21.3.2008, marketing Club

Sponsorship in Sports and in Culture, 16.4.2007, OEEK, Thessaloniki

Shaping the Successful Company Today, 9.12.2006, Money Show, Thessaloniki

The Future of Radio in the Era of Digitization, 10.11.2006, Thessaloniki

Corporate Communication: Theories & Practices, 16.4.2004, Thessaloniki

2004 Dimensions of Marketing, 15.5.2004, Hellenic Institute of Marketing, Thessaloniki

Management of Sporting Organizations, 17.2.2004, Hellenic Institute of Marketing Thessaloniki

Analysis of Organizational and Managerial Structures in Professional Teams in US and Europe, 17.5.2003, University of Aristotle, Thessaloniki

Management: Academic Preparation & Perspectives, 3.4.2003, University of Macedonia

Sponsorship of Sports, 5.10.2002, ΕΕΔΑ, Thessaloniki

The Effect of Media in Sports, 24.4.2002, Hellenic Institute of Marketing, Thessaloniki

The Role of Management in the Industry of Sports, 20.4.2002, FORUM Thessaloniki

Television and Media, 26.3.2002, Panteion University, Athens

Promotional Licensing and Trademarks, 20.3.2001, Panteion University, Athens

Organizational Changes in UEFA Champions: Necessities and Perspectives, 19.5.2001, Round Table at University of Thrace, during the 9th Conference of Physical Education and Sports.

Family – Communication – Prevention, In Safety and Drugs, seminar. Hellenic-American Academy, 8.3.1998, Upper Darby, PA, USA

Trends in Education, pp. 80-81, The Bridge, School Magazine, Spring 2013, Bucharest, Romania

Foundation and direction of the Community Relations Department of ARIS FC. More than ten (10) community relations events were organized and executed during the year

Organization of cultural, social, and athletic events, Philadelphia, USA

Consulting with parents and students for academic improvement and personal development

Planning and organizing of fund raising activities to support academic and athletic programs, PA, USA

Board Member of the Hellenic Federation in Philadelphia, USA

Speaking Metaphorically: An Alternative Way to Increase Students’ Engagement, 6th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Sheffield, 9 January 2012

Promotion of Hellenic heritage and culture in US organizations

Teaching of Greek Language, tradition, history to more than 1000 children, Philadelphia, US

Volunteer in non-profit organizations, youth clubs, and athletic academies, PA, USA

Organization of 2 seminars educating parents and kids about drugs
“Safety and Drugs I”, Upper Darby, PA, USA, March 8, 1998.
“Safety and Drugs II”, Upper Darby, PA, USA, March 2-3, 1999


PROACTIVE CHANGE, Internal assessor, Italian Chamber of Commerce, Sofia, Bulgaria

RESEARCH, CREATE, INNOVATE, Project leader, Embryolab and University of Thessaly

LEAGUE, Internal Assessor for LIF Bulgaria

M6 Group of Companies, Skopje (2024), 16-hour workshop in Developing Products – from idea to launch

M6 Group of Companies, Skopje (2024), 8-hour workshop in Developing a Corporate Culture

Tikves Winery, Skopje (2024): Building Brands from Inside out (8 hours)

Tikves Winery, Skopje (2024): Effective Communication – From theory to practice (8 hours)

M6 Group of Companies, Skopje (2023), 16-hour workshop in Developing Products – from idea to launch

M6 Group of Companies, Skopje (2023), 8-hour workshop in Developing a Corporate Culture

Tikves Winery, Skopje (2022): Building Brands from Inside out (8 hours)

LAVI Jewelry Thessaloniki (2022): 6-hour workshop in Creating impact to people’s life

M6 Group of Companies, Skopje (2022), 8-hour workshop in Effective Communication: A key to success

M6 Group of Companies Skopje (2021), 16-hour workshop in Developing Products – from idea to launch

A1 Telecommunications, Bulgaria (2020) 16-hour workshop in developing new products and services

SUPERLUX painting, Thessaloniki (2020) 8-hour workshop in service quality and corporate structures

Embryolab IVF (Training Program (2017 – 2020) 8-hour workshops in service quality & communication

Embryolab IVF (2016) 10-hour training for middle management in building a corporate culture

Association of Marketing Professionals (2017) 16 – hour in Innovation & New Product Development

Developing Products as a Growth Strategy, 29.4 2015, The Association of Exports in Northern Greece

Developing New Products as a Growth Strategy, 9.5.2013, American University of Tirana, Albania.

Developing a Competitive Advantage through Service Optimization, 17.3.2011, Business Seminar Series, CITY College, Thessaloniki

Developing a Competitive Advantage through Services Optimization, 12.3.2011, Hotel & Hospitality Management Conference, Thessaloniki

Communicating your Product/Service Effectively, 22.10.2010, Rogner Hotel, Tirana, Albania

Communicating your Product/Service Effectively, 16.9.2010, Business Park, Sofia, Bulgaria