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in numbers

Where Life Begins

A team that works with exceptional performance rates

Our notable success figures are credited to our cutting-edge services, highly specialized technological equipment, and extensive clinical and laboratory expertise




since the foundation of Embryolab Fertility Clinic

Pregnancy rate

with own eggs (all age groups)

Pregnancy rate

with donor eggs

Pregnancy rate

with donor Embryos

Fertilization Rate


Blastocyst rate

(per 2pn)

Embryo survival rate

after Vitrification

Oocyte survival rate

after Vitrification

Rate of spermatozoa found

after testicular biopsy in men diagnosed with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA)

Rate of spermatozoa found

after testicular biopsy in men diagnosed with obstructive azoospermia (OA)

Pregnancy rate

after preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (PGT-A)


F and FA huge Thank You!July 2024

A huge Thank You!
Theodore Alec(Theo)

Dear Marietta,

Our lovely baby boy was born on Friday 5th April at 23.30 hours, weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces. We are so happy. We have called him Theodore Alec. We wanted his first name to have Greek roots. I was induced at 39 weeks and 2 days as there was concern that Theo might be even larger. After of a couple of days of not progressing Theo was born by cesarean section. We are now all back at home getting used to our new life. F and I cannot thank Dr Christoforidis, you and the kind staff at the clinic enough. Let me know if you need any other information. Best regards and good wishes.

F and F

KhristineAnd just like thatJuly 2024

And just like that, he’s 10mos

Before he turned 10mos, he started walking a few steps before he throws himself at you. Maybe he finds it too overwhelming that he just wouldn’t continue walking even when he still can. We do not force him, though. We let him enjoy things and let his milestones unfold every single day. I know I say it a lot and i will say it again, he’s really such a joy.  His friendliness makes him famous at our place.  He has to go out in the morning to see the workers in the area to say “hi.”  Only then that he can continue with his morning like eat his breakfast, drink his milk. Here’s are some pictures of his 9th 10th.  Says hello to everyone! I hope you all are well.

*why is there a lot of me?  *at the airport, excited to see my aunt again  *i don’t want to sleep, I’ll just strike a pose *Making my cute self *before going to church  *mama wouldn’t let me eat the lighter ☹️ *i even forgot why I’m crying *this is how papa spends his Sunday. I wouldn’t cooperate*I make this face and I drive them nuts!  *Sundays with maman  *Sundays with papa  *10mos old  *and yes, a happy me!

Best Regards, Khristine