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Conventional IVF is a widely recognized and effective method of assisted reproduction that since 1978, has helped countless people achieve their dream of parenthood. This procedure is particularly suitable for couples who have normal sperm parameters and are facing infertility due to factors such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis or unexplained infertility.


In a conventional IVF cycle, a woman undergoes ovarian stimulation to produce multiple eggs. These eggs are then retrieved through a minor surgical procedure. Meanwhile, sperm is collected from the male and is being processed in the andrology lab. Then the eggs and sperm are put together in an overnight incubation, and fertilization is monitored. This approach is the classical method of IVF and it’s a non-invasive technique.

why embryolab

Our team consists of top-notch doctors, embryologists and scientists from many disciplines with great specialization and experience in IVF. Our treatment protocols are based on the latest evidence-based research, so you can be confident that you are receiving the best possible care.

Embryo Donation


Embryo donation is an option for assisted reproduction for people who are in need of both sperm and egg donors.


The clinic will provide eligible donors who have been thoroughly screened and tested. After the donors are selection, the process is the same as in IVF.

why embryolab

Our clinic has incredibly high standards when it comes to donor selection. We employ thorough screening processes and collaborate with accredited organizations to ensure that our donors are the best possible matches for our patients. Our goal is to provide each one with the best possible chance of having a healthy baby.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)


IUI is a minimally invasive method of assisted reproduction that is used to increase the chance of pregnancy in cases of unexplained infertility, with mild infertility issues or without a known cause of infertility.


Doctors use blood tests and ultrasounds to track a woman’s ovulation cycle and determine the best time for IUI, in some cases women may need to take medications to stimulate ovulation. The sperm sample will be collected and prepared for IUI. The enriched sperm sample is placed directly inside the uterus. IUI is typically performed at a specific time after ovulation induction or when ovulation is confirmed by ultrasound.

why embryolab

We combine the expertise of our scientific team with the latest technology to provide our patients with personalized IUI treatment protocols designed to optimize their chances of success.

Egg Freezing


The vitrification method allows women to get their reproductive perspective in their hands and to protect both their fertility and dream of motherhood. A fertility management option ideal for:

  • social cryopreservation (delay offspring according to life schedule)
  • iatrogenic reasons (malignant disease, premature ovarian insufficiency or menopause)


Women who wish to proceed with a fertility preservation program will have to initially evaluated by a gynecologist – reproduction specialist, who will assess their fertility level and their overall prognosis. The whole process takes about 12 days and can be adjust to work schedule and lifestyle activities.

why embryolab

Our scientific team is specially trained in the vitrification procedure which is applied with excellent results. Since 2008, oocytes have been systematically cryopreserved with very high survival, fertilization and pregnancy rates, making Embryolab one of the leading IVF clinics regarding the vitrification method.

Egg Donation


Egg donation is a compassionate and effective fertility treatment option for women facing challenges such as early menopause, recurrent IVF failures, history of miscarriages, poor oocyte quality, or a hereditary disease.


A list of healthy donors, 20-32 years old, that have been thoroughly screened and tested physically and psychologically are available to the candidates. Once a suitable donor is selected, their eggs are retrieved. The process from this point on is the same as in IVF.

why embryolab

Our clinic has incredibly high standards when it comes to donor selection. We employ thorough screening processes to ensure that our donors are the best possible matches for our patients. Our goal is to provide each couple with the best possible chance of having a healthy baby.

Sperm Donation


Sperm donation is an option for single women and for couples when male factor infertility is a challenge


A list of eligible donors that have been thoroughly screened and tested is presented to the candidates to select the most suitable match based on personal preferences and donor profiles. The selected donor’s sperm is then used to fertilize the recipient’s eggs, and the resulting embryos are transferred to the uterus, following the standard IVF procedure.

why embryolab

We prioritize the highest quality sperm donation services for our patients. By collaborating with reputable sperm banks, we ensure that our donors meet the highest standards of fertility and overall health. This commitment to quality helps us provide our patients with the best chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. All the samples are accompanied with a donor’s health certificate.

Mild Stimulation


The mild stimulation protocol is another alternative to traditional IVF treatments, involving the use of lower doses of hormone medications to stimulate the ovaries. This approach can be beneficial for women who may not respond well to high doses of hormones or who prefer a gentler treatment option. The goal of mild stimulation is to retrieve a smaller number of high-quality eggs, reducing the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and other potential complications.


During a mild stimulation cycle, patients typically receive low doses of injectable hormones (gonadotropins) to encourage the growth of multiple follicles. Monitoring of the cycle with blood tests and ultrasounds is still necessary to track follicle growth and hormone levels, but the overall medication regimen is gentler. Although this approach may result in fewer eggs retrieved compared to traditional high-dose stimulation, yet the quality of these eggs is still expected to be high. Patients should discuss with their healthcare provider to determine if a mild stimulation cycle is the best option for their individual needs and circumstances.

why embryolab

Embryolab is known for their expertise in individualized fertility treatment plans, including mild stimulation cycles. Their experienced team can provide guidance and support throughout the process, ensuring patients receive personalized care tailored to their specific situation. Additionally, Embryolab utilizes cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques to optimize success rates for patients undergoing mild stimulation cycles. Patients can feel confident in the comprehensive care and attention to detail provided by the dedicated team at Embryolab.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) with donor sperm


IUI is a minimally invasive method of assisted reproduction and one of the main treatments for single women, women couples and couples when male factor infertility is a challenge.


Doctors use blood tests and ultrasounds to track a woman’s ovulation cycle and determine the best time for IUI. In some cases, women may take medications to stimulate ovulation. IUI is typically performed at a specific time after ovulation induction or when ovulation is confirmed by ultrasound. The enriched Donor’s sperm sample that has been selected by her is prepared for IUI and placed directly inside the uterus.

why embryolab

We combine the expertise of our scientific team with the latest technology to provide our patients with personalized IUI treatment protocols designed to optimize their chances of success.

IVF with Donor Sperm


IVF with Donor Sperm is the procedure whereby oocyte is fertilized by Donor΄s sperm, in the IVF Lab, followed by the embryo transfer.


At Embryolab personalized stimulation protocols are applied with the aim of create embryos in the highest quality. Women who proceed with an IVF treatment will have to initially be evaluated by a gynecologist specialized in reproduction who will assess the fertility level and the overall prognosis. The steps of the procedure are:

  • Design the treatment protocol
  • Commencement of treatment on the 2-3rd day of the menstrual cycle
  • Ultrasound monitoring of the cycle
  • Egg retrieval and oocyte evaluation
  • Oocyte fertilization with Donor’s sperm
  • Embryotransfer

why embryolab

Our team consists of top-notch doctors, embryologists and scientists from many disciplines with great specialization and experience in IVF. Our treatment protocols are based on the latest evidence-based research, so you can be confident that you are receiving the best possible care.

Testicular Biopsy (TESE)


Testicular sperm extraction (TESE) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that can be used to retrieve sperm from the testicles of men who are unable to produce sperm through natural means.


TESE is a breakthrough procedure that involves a small cut in the scrotum to extract a small piece of testicular tissue. This tissue, rich in sperm-producing cells, is then examined under a microscope to locate spermatozoa. If spermatozoa are found, the sample can be cryopreserved and maintain fertility.

why embryolab

Our extensive experience in the TESE testicular biopsy method ensures increased finding rates of spermatozoa in cases of azoospermia.



Microscopic testicular sperm extraction (MicroTESE) is a specialized surgical procedure, meticulously retrieves viable sperm from the testicles of men with severe male infertility, particularly those diagnosed with azoospermia.


Through a high-accuracy method and the use of a microscope, expert urologists, in collaboration with a Sr. Clinical Embryologist, perform this intricate procedure under anesthesia. The retrieved sperm can then be used in assisted reproductive techniques to achieve pregnancy, offering hope to men seeking to overcome infertility and fulfil their desire to have a family.

why embryolab

Our team of clinical embryologists vast experience of IVF cycles combined with micro-TESE ensures the highest sperm retrieval rates in cases of azoospermia. With over a decade and a half of expertise in MICRO-TESE, we have gathered compelling data that highlights its remarkable success in enabling couples to achieve parenthood:

1 in 2 women under 35 now have a child at home

1 in 3 women over 35 now have a child at home

Increase in the likelihood of finding spermatozoa

More than 50% likelihood of fertilization

Natural IVF Cycle


The natural cycle is an ideal choice for women who want a more natural approach to their fertility treatment. The natural cycle can be used as an alternative to traditional IVF when hormone therapy is contraindicated or when a woman has a limited ovarian reserve.


During the natural cycle, monitoring of the woman’s menstrual cycle is done with regular ultrasound scans and blood tests to determine the optimal time for egg retrieval. This approach allows for a more gentle and less invasive treatment option for those who prefer to avoid hormonal interventions.

why embryolab

A highly qualified & experienced team of gynecologists, specialized in infertility analysis and assisted reproduction, apply the most appropriate techniques in each case.

Modified Natural IVF Cycle


The modified natural cycle is an IVF treatment that involves using minimal medication to stimulate the ovaries, allowing for a more gentle and less intense approach compared to traditional IVF protocols. This method may be suitable for patients who do not respond well to high doses of fertility medications or who prefer a more natural approach to fertility treatment.


The treatment includes the stimulation of the ovaries either with oral medication or with the use of low-dose hormonal injections for a limited number of days. This method allows for more control over the cycle and can be a gentler option for some patients compared to traditional IVF protocols. Regular ultrasounds and analysis of the woman’s hormonal profile are both used to monitor the follicles. The duration of the treatment is approximately 10-12 days.

why embryolab

At Embryolab, a highly qualified & experienced team, specialized in infertility analysis and assisted reproduction, apply the most appropriate techniques in each case so that a healthy pregnancy is achieved.

Ovarian Stimulation


It is a method of fertility treatment that involves the use of medication to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, which can increase the chances of successful fertilization and pregnancy.


A series of regular ultrasound checks and hormonal tests are followed, ensuring that the stimulation process is carefully monitored and adjusted as needed to maximize the chances of a successful outcome. This personalized approach helps to ensure that each patient receives tailored treatment based on their individual needs and response to medication.

why embryolab

Embryolab specializes in treatment customization, taking into account each patient’s unique needs. Throughout the treatment process, the staff provides all necessary information and psychological support to assist women in managing their concerns.

Female Couple Treatments


Those treatments are specifically designed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by female couples undergoing fertility treatment. Embryolab’s experienced team works closely with each couple to provide individualized care and support throughout the entire process, ensuring that they feel informed and empowered every step of the way.


The clinic offers a range of services such as IVF and intrauterine insemination tailored to meet the specific needs of female couples. By offering comprehensive support and guidance, Embryolab aims to help female couples navigate the emotional and physical challenges of fertility treatment with confidence and understanding.

why embryolab

Embryolab IVF Clinic strives to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all patients, regardless of sexual orientation or relationship status. The clinic’s commitment to excellence in care and compassion sets it apart as a leader in LGBTQ+ fertility services.

Single Women Treatments


Single parenthood is a personal and empowering choice for many women, and there are various ways to accomplish that. Whether by circumstance or desire, women today have a plethora of options to explore when opting to embark on their own motherhood journey.


Embryos, Eggs, and Sperm donation are options for women who are looking to become single parents, allowing them to build their families in a way that best suits their needs and desires.

A list of eligible donors who have been thoroughly screened and tested physically and psychologically is available to women seeking to start a family through fertility services.

why embryolab

Embryolab has high standards in screening and selecting eligible donors. By collaborating with reputable Sperm and Egg banks, we ensure that our patients meet the highest standards of fertility and overall health. This commitment to quality helps us provide our women with the best chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.

Endometrial Preparation for Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)


The endometrial preparation for frozen embryo transfer is a crucial step in the IVF process, as it plays a key role in the success of implantation. The protocol for endometrial preparation may vary depending on individual patient factors and previous treatment outcomes.


The process of preparing the endometrium for the transfer of frozen embryos involves selecting a suitable protocol tailored to the unique characteristics of each woman. This approach aims to establish an optimal endometrial and hormonal environment, thereby enhancing the conditions necessary for successful embryo implantation. The transfer of frozen embryos may be conducted using either an artificial cycle or a natural preparation cycle.

why embryolab

Our team consists of experienced fertility specialists who will work closely with each patient to determine the most appropriate protocol for their specific needs and goals. By personalizing the endometrial preparation process, we strive to maximize the chances of a successful embryo transfer and ultimately a healthy pregnancy. Our treatment protocols are based on the latest evidence-based research, so you can be confident that you are receiving the best possible care.

IVF with Embryo Donation


Embryo donation program refers to women who need “double donation” means both egg and sperm donation. It is a given option for women who want to have a child on their own, for couples of women with low ovarian reserve and for couples where infertility is a challenge for both of them.


The donated embryos are transferred to the recipient’s uterus after the completion of the endometrial preparation protocol. The aim of the treatment is to prepare the endometrium for the embryotransfer. Treatment begins on the 2-3rd day of the menstrual cycle and usually takes place 16-20 days.

why embryolab

Our team consists of top-notch doctors, embryologists and scientists from many disciplines with great specialization and experience in IVF. Our treatment protocols are based on the latest evidence-based research, so you can be confident that you are receiving the best possible care.